Your DNA dreams
But, if you want to achieve them anytime soon, you need a rock solid foundation of ancestral DNA testing knowledge and a DNA strategy.
You need a step-by-step action plan that’s time efficient, cost effective, and that makes you feel like WOOHOO instead of BOOHOO.
You’re highly capable, fiercely independent, not shy about asking for extra help and yearning to “go all the way” with your DNA dreams … but, you haven’t YET.
Why not?
Maybe it’s because …
- you can’t seem to “get there” and you don’t know what will finally make it happen for you
- you’ve taken a bunch of DNA tests, but you don’t understand how to interpret the results and you’re frankly, frustrated and overwhelmed
- you’re simply sick and tired of trying and getting nowhere
- you keep looking around you, seeing others scoring and that makes you feel like you’re missing out
So yeah. A whole lot of nothing has been happening lately, but YOU’VE GOT THIS.
You can make this happen. And you WILL. And I’m here to help you figure out how.
Imagine throwing all your worries, hopes, dreams and goals at me and having it given back to you in the form of an actionable plan that gets you where you want to go, stat. We can make THAT happen.
There are two ways for us to work together and make THAT happen:
–> Platinum DNA Mentorship (3 month VIP program)
–> Standard DNA Mentorship (one hour DNA consultation)

Doors Close May 25th, 2018
You and I work together over 3 months (June 1st to August 31st, 2018) to transform your DNA strategy to a whole new level.
Click the yellow button below to APPLY for your FREE 20 minute discovery call and we’ll chat about your DNA goals and whether we’re a good fit to work together.
What’s included?
You’ll get:
- 3 MONTHLY private one-on-one DNA COACHING CALLS for 60 minutes each (1 call per month, one hour in June, one hour in July and one hour in August) where we dive DEEP into your DNA to sort out exactly what action needs to be taken to achieve your DNA goals
- on your first call, we’ll identify specific DNA goals for our three months together so we can put together a written action plan for you
- our sessions are 100% customized based on where you’re at right now and where you want to be
- you’ll leave each DNA coaching call with a to do list of things specifically designed to help you overcome your current DNA hurdles and reach your DNA goals
- you walk away each month feeling calm, empowered, and excited to tackle your new (super targeted and simplified) to do list
UNLIMITED EMAIL ACCESS to me during our 3 months (June 1st to August 31st, 2018) together for support and questions. That’s 24/7 email access with a guaranteed 72 hour turnaround. I’m right there with you, all the time.
What’s the investment?
US $2,000
Click the yellow button below to
APPLY for your FREE 20 minute Discovery Call
& We’ll Chat About Your DNA Goals
& Whether We’re a Good Fit to Work Together

You’re welcome to contact me and request to get on my waiting list, however, it’s HIGHLY UNLIKELY I’ll open the doors to my Standard DNA Mentorship program in 2018.
What’s the investment?
US $500 for one hour
© 2017-2018 DNA Knowledge Lab, all rights reserved