A Refresher on DNA terms

used in this GEDmatch Article

Autosomal DNA (atDNA)

In each human cell, there are 23 pairs of chromosomes, 22 of which are autosomes. The 23rd pair is the sex chromosome.

An autosomal DNA test looks at the DNA inherited from the autosomal chromosomes.

Chromosome Browser

A tool one can use to compare their autosomal DNA to that of their matches to see how much DNA (measured in cM) and on which chromosome(s) they share DNA.

Normally presented graphically.

Note: a chromosome browser can’t distinguish between your paternal or maternal.



A data structure for storing and exchanging genealogical information (NOT DNA information) so that different computer programs can use it.

GEDCOM is often confused with GEDmatch.


A free third party website, run by volunteers who have created a tool for those who have done an autosomal DNA test to share their DNA information with one another, without having to test at all the DNA testing companies. GEDmatch has useful tools to compare and analyze our DNA.

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