


I’m ready to help you interconnect your DNA to your ancestors and long-lost family.

Manita here! I’m the Founder of the DNA Knowledge Lab.

Do you have a question? Comment? Feedback? Click the “contact me” button below.

Don’t think it’s possible to use ancestral DNA testing knowledge to fast track your way to discover your ancestors and connect with long-lost family? Think it’s too hard and time consuming? Feeling hopeless about it? I dare you to contact me.


Shoot me an email:


Book a free chemistry call

Ready to seriously up-level your ancestral DNA testing knowledge with individualized support and strategy?

Book your free chemistry call now. We’ll dive into your DNA goals and explore if working together is a good fit!

Press & Media

Looking for a genetic genealogist to interview? Me, me, me! I can talk DNA all day long!

For my official bio, go here.


I’m taking bookings for Fall 2018.

DNA cousin?

If you think we maybe genetically related, go here.

Wanna know a bit more, before contacting me?

Check out my about and 14 random facts about me pages.


Come hang out with us on Facebook.

DO NOT SPIT for a DNA test


you watch the


mini video series on the:

“5 Questions you need to Answer before you do a DNA test”


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